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YSU Foundation’s Chunn: Holding Up Work-Life Balance


YSU Foundation’s Chunn: Holding Up Work-Life Balance

Heather Chunn, vice president of operations and human resources for the YSU Foundation, is hanging tough, along with her children, Emma and Aiden. You can read more about the foundation at its website.

What are some ways (two or three) the COVID-19 outbreak has affected the YSU Foundation?

Like other nonprofits and businesses, the foundation quickly had to adapt to the changing climate. One of our early initiatives was to connect community philanthropic support to students who were financially impacted due to loss of employment and the inability to return home. We are also preparing for a more long-term impact on students’ ability to afford their college education. 

Communication with our team, donors and university personnel has always been at the forefront, but COVID-19 has made us take a more objective look at the flow and adjust some processes. We increased our meeting days and assessed productivity, which has not wavered. If anything, colleagues are working more closely together than ever before. “Inform” has been an important word for us. The foundation continuously keeps its donors up-to-date as well as connects with the university on a daily basis. People generously share their time and resources with the foundation. With that comes a key responsibility of transparency.  

How about your personal life? 

Working from home with two children — one in middle school, the other high school — has been an adjustment. There are days we are all trying to find our own corner of the house. It has been a positive experience and has allowed us to be closer. We have more meals together and practice more patience and empathy. I found that our talk grew; we’re learning something from each other every day!

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

I’m continuing an exercise routine (creating a new one at home with yoga, walking, bodyweight and weights). Also, I’ve been working on home projects. These activities are crucial for me to maintain a work-life balance that also helps with my overall well-being. 

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

I want to make sure my team is staying healthy by checking in and letting them know that I am available anytime, along with offering them information on mental health services, exercise and healthy eating.

How are you looking to the future? 

I keep hearing the word “uncertainty,” which is so true. I feel as though we are navigating in a fog. Is our team going to continue working remotely and in the office? Completely remote again? All back in the office again? Are my children going back to school? What is going to happen a few weeks from now, let alone three months from now? We make the best decisions we can with the information available and continue to adjust our course as we go. My focus right now with my family, friends and coworkers is to walk in gratitude.

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