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WKBN-TV’s Walters: Give More Grace, Just Be Kind


WKBN-TV’s Walters: Give More Grace, Just Be Kind

Alexis Walters, television news anchor for WKBN-TV, is coming back strong. You can learn more about Alexis at the station’s website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

COVID has affected my organization in many ways — but maybe not in the ways it has other businesses. From Day One, I have reported on every aspect of the pandemic, because it truly has impacted every one of our lives. I did my best to get accurate information from doctors and professionals out to the public so they knew what was going on. That wasn’t always easy. I never stopped working from the office but we had to figure out this “new normal” of some people working from home. WKBN really got ahead of it and put the steps in place to help us feel safe when we did have to go in. Interviews turned virtual and figuring out how to cover news while social distancing was a challenge for everyone in news everywhere. 

There were some people unhappy with what they were hearing in regards to COVID, but I went to work every day knowing that I was doing my job and that I was giving people the real information they needed to hear, and that made it easier. Now, we are continuing to social distance but trying to get back to a sense of normalcy, as I think everyone is.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

Personally, for however many months (the time ran together), I was very isolated. Aside from work, I saw no one in person. I am a very social and active person. It took a toll on my mental health, as it did a lot of people. There was the isolation, the fear of the unknown, the stress of reporting on heavy topics day in and out. Working every day kept me motivated because I knew I had a job to do. I did my best to use my time at home to grow personally and I have to say that it did wonders. It taught me to be more forgiving of myself and of others because we really were all just doing our best in a tough situation. 

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

I had a lot of time to reflect, as we all did. This pandemic has shown me how crucial local news organizations are. It’s given me an even greater drive to make sure people know what is going on in the world around them, because it really matters.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

I’ve been giving the same advice to them that I’ve given myself — Give more grace to yourself and to those around you and just be kind. I think we’ve seen a lot of kindness amidst the changes we’ve all endured the last few months and it’s a silver lining.

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