WFMJ-TV’s Alexander: Remote News Ops Challenging, Fun

Mona Alexander, news director at WFMJ-TV is hanging tough. You can read more about WFMJ-TV its website.
What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?
We’ve completely redesigned the logistics of how we cover news. Many of our anchors, reporters, videographers and web producers are working remotely, while others are still working out of the newsroom. The goal has always been to protect our employees’ health and safety while maintaining the quality of our news products. Creating the logistics for covering news remotely was a challenge our IT department met quickly. Managing the day-to-day operation is an ongoing daily challenge, but quite honestly, a fun one. Plus, we’ve picked up some technical skills we’ll keep even when things get back to normal.
How about your personal life?
I miss seeing everyone every day. Plus, I worry about friends, family members and colleagues who can’t see sick relatives or have funerals or weddings or may be worried about their kids or are struggling with home issues. Plus, people who work in the media are social people. We like seeing and interacting with people all day. The remote thing is working really well but I miss the “How you doing?” bump and runs that last only a minute but let you catch up with someone face to face. Whether it’s complimenting a new hairstyle or asking about a sick child, remote will never beat one on one.
What steps are you taking to hang tough?
Well, I think I’m just “Youngstown Tough” to begin with so that helps. Everyone gets that, right? (Editor’s note: Yes!)
What advice are you sharing with the people you love?
Stay in touch. Messaging has been everything to me. Whether it’s Zoom, Facetime, a quick text, a call or God forbid (sarcasm) a card or letter, just reach out to people. I know in my life when a family or staff member I don’t see every day reaches out it means the world to me. That and get outside. Plant a garden, ride a bike or just take off your shoes and socks and walk in the grass. Nature will nourish you.