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Stone Fruit’s Lagenheim: Filtering Coffee, Not Opinions


Stone Fruit’s Lagenheim: Filtering Coffee, Not Opinions

Josh Lagenheim, owner of Stone Fruit Coffee Company with locations in Boardman, Canfield, Poland and Youngstown, is coming back strong. To learn more about Stone Fruit Coffee Company, check out its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your business, and how is it rebounding?

COVID-19 is miserable, and it is terrible for business. But…we are not complainers, we are overcomers! Each week, we recover a little more.

What’s been the reaction from customers so far?

The reaction from our customers has been positive. This could be because when customers come to any of our cafés, they will be greeted with a smile and treated as if we greatly appreciate that they are here, because we really do! The atmosphere may look a little different because we are following the new guidelines set forth by the governor, but that will be the only difference. 

We are doing our absolute best to maintain normality, and we thank our customers from the bottom of our hearts for all of their love and support. I feel to do our part properly we should aim to make your day better and to take your mind off of the things that stress you (COVID-19, politics, etc.). Your coffee oasis, your escape from the world. You will not hear my staff complain about the rules or share their opinions regarding the virus. We filter coffee…not opinions.

What impact has the outbreak had on you personally?

Personally, I always look for the positive. This outbreak has caused stores to close, forced us to limit operational hours; the list of issues is ongoing. In spite of some challenges, it has given me more time to spend with loved ones, to enjoy personal hobbies that I have been neglecting and to focus on my health. Plus, it has also given me time to do some future planning to make everyone’s coffee experience even better!

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Protect yourselves and others, but remember: life is all about how you perceive it. Choose to use this time as positively as you can.

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