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SMARTS’ Keck: Virtual Model Keeps Arts Classes in Place


SMARTS’ Keck: Virtual Model Keeps Arts Classes In Place

Becky Keck, president of Students Motivated by the Arts (SMARTS), is coming back strong. You can read more about the nonprofit arts school at its website.

What are some ways COVID-19 has affected your organization, and what are you doing to manage its impact?

SMARTS staff quickly figured out how to translate arts teaching and learning into Virtual SMARTS, and we have been creating our own best practices, protocol and systems so that we can continue to provide free quality arts education while keeping our staff, teachers and students safe. We are continuing to grow and expand our community programming with schools and youth organizations during and after school and our public programming that takes place after school and on Saturdays. It has not been easy, but we have been diligent to transform our model so that we can meet the needs of our partners and PK-12 students.  

We have worked hard to honor our contracts, pay our teachers and keep our staff and community teaching artists working. I am really proud to say that not only have we continued to grow and expand but we have been able to keep everyone employed. The arts are a vital part of the Valley’s economy, quality of life and education of our young people. As leaders in arts education, we take this responsibility seriously.  

What has been the response of your stakeholders so far? 

They are grateful. We know that now more than ever, students need to be creative, to express their emotions and to continue to learn in the arts. SMARTS classes offer students a unique and creative setting to learn with peers, foster friendships and create communities. SMARTS partners are excited to have our expertise in arts teaching and learning because it enhances the common core curriculum and helps students to learn in different ways, especially in a virtual setting.  

How has COVID affected your personal life, and how have you dealt with it?

Personal life? Just like everyone else trying to make the best of this time and stay healthy, work is the focus and play is somewhat limited to creative outdoor, socially distanced, mask-wearing fun on limited occasions. I think we have all realized that we need to value whatever time we have with the people that we care about. Honestly, I miss my close friends, peer groups like the Rotary Club of Youngstown and a few others, but I may not miss all of the evening events I felt obligated to attend. My calendar looks a lot ”cleaner” these days.

How do you feel about the recently approved COVID vaccines, and what are your plans regarding vaccination?

I am excited to imagine the future where we can work with students in person again and enjoy the company of our friends and family. I believe in science, but I know that everyone has a different comfort level regarding their health and they should make their own informed decisions based on their needs and personal choices.

What advice or thoughts are you sharing with those you love? 

Now is the time to push ourselves to be our best, to take care of each other, and to find the advantages of this situation and make the most of them.

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