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Shari Harrell: Staying Busy, Getting Rest, Striving to Help


Shari Harrell: Staying Busy, Getting Rest, Striving To Help

Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley President Shari Harrell is hanging tough. You can read more about the foundation at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

It has totally disrupted business as usual, just as it has for the world. We made the difficult decision to defer decision-making on all current grant applications across all of our grant opportunities to shift focus of our resources — human and financial — to responding to emerging needs. As the situation changes day to day, we are trying to adjust accordingly.

Our normal procedures and processes are in place to try to allow for fair and transparent consideration of grant requests across the Valley. Now those processes are in the way and slow things down. We are working to set a new process in place to streamline review and get dollars out the door quicker while still being thoughtful and responsible with the money entrusted to us.

Along with that change, we are having to work in new ways to keep our staff safe and healthy. We are mostly working remotely while we get all of this up and running. Just as other businesses have done, we have cancelled events and face-to-face committee and Board meetings for the time being. Staff are working from home as much as possible. We are blessed that the Foundation can continue to operate and keep everyone working.

How about your personal life? 

I am finding it extremely challenging to not be close to family when things are in such a state of uncertainty. I usually find it comforting to spend time with my immediate and extended family, especially the little kids I am blessed to have as a part of my life. Now it’s only by phone and FaceTime and it is not the same.

I draw energy from those around me and it is challenging to feel isolated in so many ways from my work colleagues, staff and volunteers, family and friends. I miss even just simple social life activities — dinner out or meeting friends for drinks or dinner, etc.

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

Well, I am keeping busy with work and staying in touch with friends and family. Work is giving me a sense that I can be a part of something to help our community through this crisis. It is a small piece, but it is a part of a much larger effort going on to address an unprecedented time

I am trying to eat right, get enough sleep and take a walk for fresh air when I can. I might be drinking a little wine, too. 🙂 

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

Take things one day at a time. No one has answers. We have never had to deal with anything like this so we need to take things as they come and adjust as we go.

Support each other and be forgiving. We are all tense and sometimes reacting emotionally. This level of uncertainty, fear and confusion is new to us all, especially in this country.

What can you share about the foundation’s new response fund?

We’ve established the Mahoning Valley Community Response Fund to provide support and resources to eligible organizations working with those disproportionately affected by an emergency or crisis — in this case COVID-19 and the consequences related to the outbreak. The fund is intended to become a long-term resource to assist our community now and in the future.

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