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Scott Schulick: Providing Financial Counsel From Home


Scott Schulick: Providing Financial Counsel From Home

Scott Schulick, vice president of investments at Stifel, is hanging tough. You can read more about the company at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life? 

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 outbreak has changed everyone’s work life in one way or another.  Fortunately, I work for a company that provides for total remote access from my desktop, allowing me to work from home.  While financial services are deemed essential, I have opted to work from home since March 18 to comply with Governor DeWine’s stay-at-home order.  The transition from a technology standpoint has been easy, but more difficult from a logistical standpoint, as my home office is simply not the same as my work office.  I find myself really tied to the computer and the phone most of the day, which is not normally the case in the office.

On another note, my work life has been changed as a result of the impact that the COVID-19 virus has had on the financial markets, and I’m working with clients who are very nervous about their investments and their futures.  As a financial advisor, I understand their concerns and they are my personal concerns, too.  What we do know is that the markets have rebounded historically from severe crisis. I expect that they will rebound when there is a return to normalcy once the virus is contained and the economy can resume regular activity.

How about your personal life?

I’m an outgoing person and I am used to meeting clients in my office or their homes and workplaces.  I eat out most meals with clients, family and friends, and I like to be involved in lots of activities.  I’m also active as a board member for several not-for-profit organizations.  For me, not having the usual personal social interaction is difficult.  My calendar, for the first time in my work or personal life, is empty through the 4th of July, as nearly every personal and community event has been cancelled.  It clearly is going to be a different kind of year and we all are adjusting in different ways.  I’ve not found it to be easy.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

I try to take a walk each day in Mill Creek or Wick parks.  I’m going through old files and cleaning out boxes and getting more organized.  I’m doing some yard work.  I’m trying to avoid the news as much as possible as it just seems to be dominated by the virus.  I try to interact through social media like Facebook.  And I keep in touch with my church by trying to watch prayers and masses on TV or Facebook livestreams.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Well, we’re all in the same boat.  I think the best advice is to do what is right for you.  We all are dealing with this differently as we all have unique personalities and job and family situations.

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