Salvation Army’s Major Moore: ‘Rely on God, Serve Others’
Major Paul Moore, coordinator for the Salvation Army of Mahoning County, is hanging tough. You can learn more about the local Salvation Army at its Facebook page.
What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?
From the very beginning of the pandemic, my work life and ministry became even more crucial, as my top priority was to make sure that individuals and families were receiving food and not going hungry. People were no longer allowed inside our facility for sit-down free lunches or take-home boxes from our food pantry. I quickly had to decide the best and most effective way to provide food to the residents of Mahoning Valley. Since mid-March, we have provided a drive-thru pantry three days a week serving over 300 families each week. We now offer a drive-thru pantry twice a week with take-out lunches three days a week. It’s a continual assessment as to how we provide the needed services and keep our employees safe in the best way possible.
How about your personal life?
Helping individuals in emergency situations is what I am called to do as a pastor and administrator. Not much has changed in my personal life. This has always been a full-time calling. God is first, others come second and when I can find some personal time – I do!
What steps are you taking to hang tough?
Being a person of strong faith, I rely on God daily to “hang tough.” The Lord is my foundation and my hope is in Him so I have nothing to fear. I don’t know what tomorrow holds but he certainly does and I’m trusting Him completely.
What advice are you sharing with the people you love?
Stay close to God. Serve and help wherever and whenever you can. Remember to love one another! We are all in this together so let’s help each other the best we can. Tomorrow is a new day and His mercies are new every morning. God is faithful!