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Riverside Paint’s Keelers: Building Business in a Pandemic


Riverside Paint’s Keelers: Building Business In A Pandemic

David and Vonda Keeler, owners of Riverside Paint & Stone, LLC in Poland, are coming back strong. To learn more about Riverside Paint & Stone, check out its Facebook page.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your business, and how is it rebounding?

Our business story is unique. David has been working for Mr. B’s Painting for several years. Regrettably, in April, the owner of Mr. B’s passed away after contracting COVID-19 in conjunction with some underlying health issues.

In the months that followed, clients of Mr. B’s Painting started contacting David to request support for their various paint projects. This spurred the creation of our new business, Riverside Paint & Stone. David focuses on the hands-on component, leading the teams who are doing the work, while I (Vonda) handle the office needs and marketing. 

How has the outbreak impacted your personal life?

We lost a close friend and our jobs all at once (Vonda works in the travel industry), so it was difficult on many levels. We’re a newly married couple who just celebrated three years of marriage, so we’re really leaning on each other to weather this storm.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

Prior to the pandemic, we had already considered opening a business of our own to provide stone/concrete services. With both of us facing the loss of our job at the same time, it was obvious we had to take measures to improve our situation. We decided to start Riverside Paint & Stone to combine both painting and stonework contracting, so we can assist with various home projects and build a good business.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Make Lemonade out of the lemons, and look for the positive. There are many blessings to be found when you are looking!

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