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Rev. Dwight Dumas: ‘God is the Great Equalizer’ vs. Fear


Rev. Dwight Dumas: ‘God Is The Great Equalizer’ Vs. Fear

Rev. Dwight Dumas, a minister and author (and former Youngstown State fullback), is hanging tough. You can read more about him at the Dwight Dumas Ministries website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I have to be so very careful and aware of my surroundings. I wash my hands frequently, and remain aware of each time I attempt to touch my face. I work in a corrections facility so I am considered an essential employee. I have taken a few days off to care for my family, but other than taking the standard precautions, I am still working. My job is to obtain employment for others who have been incarcerated. Because of the economic downturn, so many places of business have either laid off workers or closed. COVID-19 has caused things with my position to slow to a virtual standstill.

How about your personal life?

On March 21, our very first grandchild was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Our daughter, Dana, and son-in-law, Adrian, had our precious grandson, Maxwell Ellington Watson. This is normally a time of love, togetherness, and celebration for families. Although we have driven to Cleveland on one occasion (to visit outside from the car for 2 minutes), we have not had the opportunity to hold and kiss our beautiful grandson. My wife, Lori, utilizes FaceTime several times a day to connect with Dana and Adrian.

Our son, Douglass, and his wife, Rachael, live in Columbus, Ohio. He is confined to his bed while healing from a decubitus sore. He is awaiting critical surgery that was postponed due to COVID-19. Although he has been through many bouts with medical home confinement, he unbelievably remains in good spirits. Thank God!

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

My wife and I have three foster children in our home — a three-year-old boy, a 19-month-old girl, and a five-month-old boy, all biological brothers and sisters. The last two younger children were brought to our home just two days old, directly from the hospital. They keep us busy! They know nothing about the Coronavirus. We pray, read, work, watch children videos and do our best to keep them developing. They receive lots of extra love and attention. Netflix documentaries have been helpful, and we are also taking the time to check up on family members and friends.

I also recently finished my book, and launched my new website. My book is entitled RECONCILIATION: A Matter of Life and Death (more info here), and my website is These are monumental developments for me that were long past due. Both the book and website were ironically launched on Valentine’s Day, February 14, just days before the COVID-19 restrictions. In the midst of everything else, I have been trying to get the word out about my book and website.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

I am sharing to anyone that will listen, that God is in control. We must have faith and confidence in him. Try to look for opportunities to laugh and smile. These are historical days, and if you stay close to God, you will make it. I do not duck my head into the sand. I try to stay aware of the news, and balance it with what I know from God’s word. He is the great equalizer anytime fear tries to overtake us.

When I look into the faces of strangers as I go about my day, I see the need for kindness and hope. I have noticed that time seems to go by so much faster when we focus on positive words and gestures for the benefit of others. In addition, I would particularly say to the spiritual leaders, that this is not a time to tear other folks down about how they are coping, or not coping with this pandemic. We are all in this together.  Division will not enhance us going forward, it will only serve to hinder relationships. Hang tough and be a bright light in a dark time.

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