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Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini: Enjoying Slower Pace at Home


Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini: Enjoying Slower Pace At Home

Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini of Poland, a world boxing champion in the 1980s and more recently an actor and broadcaster, is fighting hard against COVID-19. You can read more about Ray at his Twitter feed.

What are some ways COVID-19 has affected your work, and what are you doing to manage its impact?

COVID has had a major effect on my business and my career. I wasn’t allowed to fly for a majority of 2020, when I flew over 100,000 miles in 2019. I couldn’t continue my commentary job with Fox Sports because they are based in Los Angeles and they weren’t flying anybody out to the West Coast. What I’m doing to manage it is all I can do. I do a lot of cameo videos for people; I’ve done some private autograph signings and I continue packaging a project that I have with Netflix.

How has COVID affected your personal life, and how have you dealt with it?

Personally, it’s changed my social life dramatically. Places and events have drastically changed in terms of how and when things are done. But for me personally, it’s a welcome change in many ways. I love my home, so it gives me a chance to thoroughly enjoy it!

How do you feel about the recently approved COVID vaccines, and what are your plans regarding vaccination?

I’m very happy that the vaccines have finally arrived, though I think a bit late. I don’t really have an opinion about them, except that I hope that they work. As far as getting one, I’m sure that I will when it’s my turn. But I won’t be first in line to do so!

What advice or thoughts are you sharing with those you love?

The thoughts that I share with everyone — family, friends or not — is be smart, be diligent, don’t close-talk, don’t ride up on anyone in line, wash your hands frequently and wear a mask. Also, use sanitizer for your hands!

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