PNC’s Schmidt: ‘We’ll Get Through This, Emerge Stronger’

Ted Schmidt, regional president at PNC Bank, is coming back strong. You can read more about him at his LinkedIn.
What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?
The banking industry was extremely busy during the Paycheck Protection Program loan process and our team worked relentlessly for several weeks processing loans for clients. Many PNC employees continue to work from home, meeting the needs of our clients by utilizing alternative methods of delivering solutions and value-added ideas.
How has the outbreak affected your personal life?
My role as the regional president at PNC provides me the opportunity to be very engaged in the community through volunteer efforts and by attending social events that support many nonprofit organizations in the Mahoning Valley. The cancellation of events over the past several months has opened up my evenings, which are now spent enjoying dinner with my wife and two sons, followed by a family walk in the neighborhood.
What steps are you taking to come back strong?
Since my team is working remotely, it is very important that we communicate frequently amongst ourselves and also communicate frequently with our clients. PNC’s technology has allowed the team to be fully functional while working from home, assuring our clients that their banking services will continue without interruption.
What advice are you sharing with the people you love?
As difficult as it may be to follow social distancing guidelines, everyone’s health and wellbeing are most important. The current situation may be perceived as an inconvenience, but protecting your family’s health is a priority. If we all work together, we will get through this and we’ll emerge even stronger.