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Mill Creek’s Tolnar: Golf Activity Going ‘Through the Roof’


Mill Creek’s Tolnar: Golf Activity Going ‘Through The Roof’

Brian Tolnar, director of golf at Mill Creek Golf Course in Boardman, is coming back strong. You can read more about Brian at the Mill Creek website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

We were fortunate to open Mill Creek Golf Course early this year during March to take advantage of the great weather. Shortly thereafter, and about six days into the 2020 season, we like other facilities ended up going on shutdown until May 2. It certainly must have been a tough decision for our MetroParks board members and Executive Director Aaron Young, but it was definitely the correct move for the entire organization. The safety of our staff and the many patrons who utilize our facilities is paramount and to date we’ve had no issues.  

Since re-opening on May 2, we’ve noticed really good participation on the three golf courses — North, South & Wick Par-3 — and have seen people who may have stepped away from the game of golf become reinvigorated. For the first time in the six years that I’ve been a part of the Mill Creek team, we started to completely sell out tee times on the weekends. The interest levels for making purchases in the golf shop, hitting balls on the range and for just playing golf have been through the roof. Not only was May a great month to kick off the reset for golf at Mill Creek, but June, July and August have also seen accelerated play. If the weather cooperates like it has all summer long and many other activities/sports remain at a standstill, I could certainly see the participation levels remain high until the late fall.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

Fortunately for me, the work side hasn’t really changed a whole lot other than the hours and timeframes to be at work. On the family side, life for my wife, who is a teacher, and my six-year old son, who was finishing up kindergarten, changed a little bit more with the online learning and school adjustments. Like everyone else who was in the same boat, we adjusted and just kept plodding along. Having weekends off in late March and in April was a nice change for me, which allowed for some great family time.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

Up until this point, 2020 has felt like three years squeezed into to one for me, and it’s only August. As we continue to get the operation back to normal and to ensure the proper safety protocols, it’s really just a matter of promoting the golf and recreation operations to let people know we’re here and will provide a safe place to enjoy the outdoors. As the sports and recreation mandates adjust, adapt and evolve, we will, too. The emphasis will be on erring on the side of caution to keep people safe. We’ve just started to plan the 2021 season and will have a robust opportunity of recreational activities for people to take part in when things begin to come back in full swing. We’re excited to ride the wave of outdoor popularity for now and look to continue the momentum as we transition to 2021.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Be vigilant and alert to ensure you’re up to speed on all the Mill Creek MetroParks COVID-19 guidelines, mask requirements and safety protocols. Many people at Mill Creek have put time and effort into keeping everyone safe to stop the spread of COVID, so please make sure you’re doing your part and are adhering to the temporary rules. Please continue to keep up the great job in following the guidelines as we head in to the fall season.

Can you tell us more about capital improvements at Mill Creek MetroParks?

There are a ton of great things happening from a capital improvement standpoint. These are some of the projects that were completed or are under way for 2020:

  • Golf course cart paths
  • Wick Recreation maintenance building
  • Ford Nature Center re-development
  • Parking lot upgrades
  • Trail upgrades
  • Added comfort stations
  • Road and facility signage
  • Newport boat launch area
  • New batting cages

The people in the Mahoning Valley are resilient. If you grew up in this area, it’s in your blood. That being said, I believe we’re on the back end of this and the best is yet to come. I’m just grateful to be a part of the MetroParks team that’s filled with exceptional people and leadership from the top down. The future is bright!

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