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Merrill Lynch’s VanSuch: ‘Be Calm and Slow Down’


Merrill Lynch’s VanSuch: ‘Be Calm And Slow Down’

Stephen VanSuch, a financial adviser with Merrill Lynch Wealth Management in Canfield, is coming back strong. You can read more about Stephen’s team at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

Our posture remains working remotely, and our world-class technology capabilities enable us to effectively stay connected to clients, as well as grow our client base. The silver lining has been an acceleration in embracing the technology we have. Technology has benefitted not only our team, but also our clients, who have adopted these same capabilities for an enhanced client experience. A true modernization almost overnight!

How has the outbreak impacted your personal life?

It has actually brought me back to the basics by simplifying my life and allowing me to reconnect with family, friends and golf! I have taken a step back to truly appreciate the little things and realize how blessed we really are in the big picture. The clichés have never been more true: “take one day at a time,” “do the best you can” and “we’re all in the same boat.”

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

By embracing as much new technology as I can get my hands on! I’m also remembering that “more is more” when it comes to communicating with clients. We’re embracing a whole modernization of our practice and business model to adapt to the new world both administratively and from a long-term investment philosophy.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Ask for help. This is an incredibly difficult time, and you don’t have to be a superhero and try to accomplish all the tasks at hand by yourself. Also, be patient with people. You just don’t always know what that person is going through in their personal life. Carrying things over to the various aspects of our life is easy to do now. So, we should all be calm and slow down.

What does life look like on the other side of this?

Within time, I believe we’ll realize all the silver linings as a result of the pandemic. We had time to actually reflect and focus on the most important aspects of our life. We spent time with family and friends that we otherwise wouldn’t have, because we would’ve been caught up in the hustle and bustle.

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