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Mayor Tito Brown: Beating Racism Requires Voices of Allies


Mayor Tito Brown: Beating Racism Requires Voices Of Allies

Victory over racism and racially motivated incidents will need participation from both black and white leaders, Mayor Jamael Tito Brown tells Valley Tough in a recent video interview.

“It can’t just be the black mayor saying this is not right,” Mayor Brown said.

“It’s got to be my white counterparts saying it’s wrong and we need to stand together – our allies. In any struggle we’ve ever had as a people, our allies were there to help us. We need to make sure those who are in control or in power that don’t look like Jamael Tito Brown … they need to stand up and say this shouldn’t happen again.”

The interview with Mayor Brown was part of Valley Tough’s “Words on Race” series with host Chris Gunther.

The mayor shared comments on racial equality and what the city is doing to ensure it, along with his take on possible solutions to America’s racial tensions. 

Check out the video below.

Valley Tough is a community information website launched in March 2020 and managed by Pecchia Communications, a Youngstown public relations and marketing firm. Located at, the site enjoys financial support from Youngstown Orthopaedic Associates, Aim Transportation Solutions, NOMS Ankle & Foot Care Centers, the Mahoning County Land Bank and Pecchia Communications.

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