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Magnolias’ Cappabianca: Make Plans, Be Ready to Adjust


Magnolias’ Cappabianca: Make Plans, Be Ready To Adjust

Carolyn Cappabianca, owner of the Magnolias on the Green hair salon in Canfield, is coming back strong. To learn more about Magnolias, check out its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

The COVID-19 outbreak affected my business when we shut down the salon for 60 days. Everyone’s world changed as we knew it. We all adjusted as best, and as quickly, as we could. We did our best to be proactive and stay relevant and purposeful to our clients by using our social media outlets often. We reinforced our safety measures to our staff and our clients to  reassure them that their well-being was of utmost importance.

In regards to rebounding, we really feel like we’re still rebounding and keeping our knees bent for whatever is to come next. We love what we do and are so happy to be back, taking care of people. We are so thankful for our clients’ trust in us and for all of the community support.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

My personal life slowed down dramatically. I have three college students living at home while attending YSU. They quickly adapted to online learning. We enjoyed having extra time together. I came to appreciate the extra time and realizing how much we were previously on the go, all the time.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

The 60 days away from the salon allowed me to plan. I made a concerted effort with our social media marketer to be transparent during the closing and reopening. I made some updates to the physical space of the salon. I found a better balance of time management. I was fortunate enough to be able to hire more people as we re-opened. I am in the process of planning some collaborations with other local businesses in our community so that we can support one another.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

The advice I’m sharing is to encourage people to see the whole picture before, during and after all of this. It’s so much more than just being in this moment. Take time to evaluate what you’re  doing and attempt to move in the right direction. Plan what you can, but be willing to change the plan. Now more than ever, be willing to be flexible. Most importantly, BE KIND!

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