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Judge Baldwin: Occasion to ‘Move from Good to Great’


Judge Baldwin: Occasion To ‘Move From Good To Great’

Youngstown Municipal Court Presiding Judge Carla J. Baldwin is coming back strong. You can read more about the court at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

The biggest impact was in reshaping how we responded to the community and to each other. We became kinder and more empathetic, going above and beyond to ensure that we were not adding to the trauma fueled by COVID-19. This pandemic created a situation where we were all in the same fight, which was to stay safe in order to be alive to see another day. During the height of the pandemic the court schedule was modified and almost all hearings were postponed to enable everyone to stay at home. Staff worked very hard to communicate these changes to all parties having business with this court.  The staff worked primarily from home and came into the office only when absolutely necessary.  The response of the staff during this time made me so proud to lead such a dynamic group of individuals.     

On June 1, we resumed 40-hour in-person work weeks. Our scheduling was done strategically in all three courtrooms to eliminate the backlog of cases and yet keep the people in the courtroom to a minimal number to ensure appropriate social distancing.  We have hand-sanitizing stations in the courtrooms and throughout the building.  You must have a mask to enter the building.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

I lost some wonderful people to COVID-19. One of those losses was my great-uncle, J.O. Dobbs, who was one of my biggest cheerleaders.  Life will never be the same, but I am grateful for every memory I have with those that I lost.   

On a lighter note, I now utilize Walmart pick-up, Target drive-up and Amazon more than ever before.

I am more appreciative and thankful for the quiet moments with family and close friends. I am thankful for good health and strong faith.   I laugh more, love harder and live more intentionally.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

We are becoming more innovative and working to permanently implement changes that we made during the height of the pandemic after we learned how beneficial these changes were to the community as we continually work to increase access to justice for all court users. We applied for and received a technology grant from the Supreme Court of Ohio to purchase equipment to conduct remote hearings whenever needed. That technology will be installed this fall and will allow us to be better prepared for any future challenges. We are doing more cross-training of staff to put us in the best position to respond to the unexpected. Our community deserves nothing less than excellence.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

My personal motto is “move from good to great.”  I share that with everyone I can.  If you are on this earth, then I believe you are here on purpose to fulfill a purpose. We can’t afford to settle for good when we are capable of so much more. The world needs the greatness that lies within each of us.

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