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Jim Tressel: More Time to Learn, Communicate, Exercise …


Jim Tressel: More Time To Learn, Communicate, Exercise …

Youngstown State University President James P. Tressel is hanging tough. You can read more about him at the YSU website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

At YSU we are working remote for the most part … making every attempt to communicate constantly via Zoom, Webinars, Livestream Facebook/YouTube, Email, etc.  We are working hard to make every service available to our students and staff that they are accustomed to.

How about your personal life?  

Due to the lack of countless personal appearances and personal interaction, I have more time at home … more time to read, learn, communicate, exercise, think, plan, etc.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?  

Thinking the right thoughts …. reading helpful messages … reminding myself of the many blessings that I have had and the wonderful people that are in my life …doing the right things personally (social distancing, diet, exercise, hand washing, etc.).

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

Pay attention to guidelines of social distancing, etc. Reminders that we will beat this dreaded virus if we ALL do the right things … Do your part!!

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