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Jack Kravitz: Staying Home, Mulling Plan to Safely Reopen


Jack Kravitz: Staying Home, Mulling Plan To Safely Reopen

Kravitz Deli owner Jack Kravitz is hanging tough. You can read more about his Belmont Avenue landmark at the Kravitz Deli website.

Let me start by saying that I take this very seriously and I am frankly scared.  Everyone should be scared, and then take actions that relieve those fears.  When we closed Kravitz Deli right before the busiest day of the year, it was a big financial blow. I hoped that we would reopen as a carryout and provide the gold standard for others to follow.  After talking with other delis (Jimmy’s Italian and Corky and Lenny’s), I decided that reopening now would not be in the best interests of my employees, customers, and family.  I decided not to reopen until this crisis is over, and to stay at home as asked by our Governor.

I am offended by food service people who don’t take it seriously like the bar opening on the Saturday night  before St Patrick’s Day with the crowds of people standing close together. They are putting money over a safe society. That is what caused the governor to shut down the bars and restaurants.  We now need to make every effort to control viral safety and stay home. When it is time to reopen, I hope the government will step in and help all of us to restart.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I had a plan to save Kravitz Deli on St Patrick’s Day with Reuben Rescue. It would have been a big day — I believe too big, with the crowds and the social interaction that needs to be avoided. In all good conscience I couldn’t let it happen. In my heart I couldn’t open and spread the virus even with the strong plan I had in place. Now, I talk with my management team by text, email and phone and make plans to reopen in the future. How did it change my work life? I am happy that my family and employees are safe.  I plan on spending time working on my business, even if I can’t work in it for the duration of this crisis.

How about your personal life? 

I am a very social person. Love to be out there with my customers. I love to go out to eat at other restaurants. Now I basically stay at home, work on ways to reopen the deli with a safe outlook and keep in touch with family and friends on social media.

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

Wish I had a magic bullet. I cried a lot at first. I got mad at the world. Haven’t totally decided if a gin martini or Bourbon on the rocks is a better drink in these times. I try to do what is right. I am in constant communication with my banks, vendors and lending institutions to let them know the financial challenges of suddenly having to close during your biggest time of the year. You have to plan so much during trying times.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

They give me so much more advice than I can ever give them. Shelter in place when you can, keep in touch, keep a good sense of humor, and don’t do stupid things. Do the right things.  It will pay dividends in the long run.

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