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East Side Civics’ Greenwalt: Persevering a Day at a Time


East Side Civics’ Greenwalt: Persevering A Day At A Time

Lori Greenwalt, owner of East Side Civics in Youngstown, is coming back strong. To learn more about East Side Civics, check out its Facebook page.

What are some ways your restaurant is rebounding from the effects of COVID-19?

Our inside seating capacity is about 54 people right now. Keeping it at that smaller number hurts at times. But, we are very happy to be open. We did serve carry-out during the shutdown, but it’s much better now, with dine-in. We are a club, so our members are very helpful, and they have been loyal in trying to help get us back to where we need to be. We still have some work to do, but we keep pushing at it daily. We will get there.

What’s been the reaction from customers so far?
Our customers are very happy we reopened. They have been very supportive, and have followed the new guidelines. We have social distancing set up inside, in addition to sanitation stations.

What impact has the outbreak had on you personally?

This has hit us hard financially. We have been trying to open our bigger kitchen, and COVID-19 presented another set back. We are hoping to overcome soon. To help make ends meet, I took on more hours at my other job (restaurant carry-out) and by the grace of God, I have pulled through. I’m not sure exactly how, but I’ve been able to at least keep my head above water. I am very thankful for that.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

I say, stay safe. Do what you are comfortable doing. If you are unsure of whether or not to participate in a situation, don’t do it. Wait until you feel good about it. I also encourage you to stay strong to your faith. I believe that has helped all my loved ones and myself especially. My faith and beliefs have helped pull me through this.

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