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Covelli Centre’s Ryan: ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’


Covelli Centre’s Ryan: ‘Light At The End Of The Tunnel’

Eric Ryan, executive director of the Covelli Centre in downtown Youngstown, is coming back strong. You can read more about the Covelli Centre at its website.

What are some ways COVID-19 has affected your organization, and what are you doing to manage its impact?

Revenue declined by nearly 90 percent. The Covelli Centre did not host an event for eight months. We have significantly reduced operating expenses to minimum levels and furloughed the majority of our employees.

What has been the response of your clients so far? 

Our sponsors and luxury suite owners have been absolutely wonderful during these times. Over the last 13 years we have built strong partnerships with each of them and we’re thankful for their support. 

How has COVID affected your personal life, and how have you dealt with it?

It’s been difficult just like everyone else’s. The good news is we have and will make it through this and I am personally looking forward to once again entertaining the great people of this Valley.

How do you feel about the recently approved COVID vaccines, and what are your plans regarding vaccination?

I think it’s the clear path to getting back to business. I personally plan on taking it.

What advice or thoughts are you sharing with those you love? 

There is light at the end of the tunnel and we will eventually get through this and put this pandemic behind us.

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