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CIRV’s Burney: Stay-at-Home Challenges to Deter Violence


CIRV’s Burney: Stay-at-Home Challenges To Deter Violence

Guy Birney, coordinator of the Youngstown Community Initiative to Reduce Violence, a joint venture of law enforcement, social service agencies and the community, is hanging tough. You can read more about the CIRV at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

We had to find ways to reach people while we are separated. We came up with a few ideas. We have introduced a stay at home challenge for young people that involves Tik Toks, poetry and music. We are conducting wellness calls to women who have children and providing resources and virtual small groups for things such as home schooling and mental health issues. We are doing Facebook live parties on different subjects to keep people engaged and safe at home. My wife and I are doing a relationship Q & A.

How about your personal life?

It has impacted our personal lives in many ways as well. There are both challenges and benefits. Challenges with home schooling and making sure everyone understands their work. Challenges with trying to maintain healthy habits while in the house. We have benefited from the time spent together as well as slowing down enough to have dinner and conversation together daily.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

We are hanging tough by taking care of ourselves, but also thinking and helping those less fortunate. We are remaining at home and following the governor’s guidelines. We are encouraging our family and friends, and make weekly contact with them.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Take this time to do things that will benefit and not harm their lives. There are two words for time. The first is chronos, which is the amount of time. The second word is kairos, that is the quality of time. If you have something you would like to accomplish and you are not doing it, the issue is not time, it is discipline.

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