Campbell’s Bowen: ‘Challenged to Think More Creatively’
Matthew Bowen, superintendent of Campbell City School District, is coming back strong, along with his administrative team. Learn more about the district at its website.
What are some ways your school (or district) is dealing with the effects of COVID-19?
Throughout the Campbell City School District, we have embraced the need to provide the best quality education for our students in a manner that provides the best possible customer service to our families during the pandemic. For this reason, we chose a five day, 5.75 hours per day, face-to-face experience for our students. We also provide up to three additional hours of extended enrichment services for our youngest learners through grade six. We know many of our parents need to continue to work, and their children need to be in school during such a time. Creating a full-day experience is not only best for students but working parents alike. We offer daily remote learning as an additional option for families not yet comfortable with sending their children back to school.
What’s been the reaction from students and parents so far?
We have a very talented, hard-working, dedicated staff that prioritizes our students’ and families’ needs. The majority of families have shown appreciation to our entire team for the decisions we all have made. We believe many families in Campbell know our return model has focused on the needs of the child and the whole family. All of our past, current and future decisions will always be for them — our children.
What impact has the outbreak had on you personally?
As superintendent, I have been challenged to think more creatively with the entire leadership team. In our district, we make decisions through a team approach. We haven’t been faced with a greater challenge in education for more than 20 years. Despite the pandemic’s incredible challenges, the greatest rewards have been the strengthened relationships we’ve gained by supporting each other throughout the process. Relationships are being cemented with our colleagues and families who are genuinely all partnering in education.
What advice are you sharing with the people you love?
Decisions need to be made and leaders must be willing to make difficult decisions. A title does not define a leader, and leadership exists at all levels. When making decisions, think of others before self and be willing to admit and change when the plan is not working. Before announcing our return to school, we created multiple versions for our return. Our ability to listen, reflect and change was instrumental in our successful restart.