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AWL’s Lori Shandor: Continuing to Adopt Neglected Animals


AWL’s Lori Shandor: Continuing To Adopt Neglected Animals

Lori Shandor, chief executive officer of the Animal Welfare League of Trumbull County, is hanging tough, caring for sheltered animals, including Jamma (pictured), who is available for adoption. You can learn more about AWL at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I feel in some ways my life has drastically changed with COVID-19, yet it is still the same in a lot of ways, too. Running Animal Welfare League of Trumbull County (AWL) is classified as essential work so I continue to get up and come to the office every day. Man, has my way of working changed drastically! Both of AWL’s retail locations are closed and our shelter is closed to the public. Thankfully we have found ways to safely continue adopting animals. We have also expanded our pet food pantry to help even more people during this difficult time. In just the last five weeks we have provided more than 30 families with pet food, and that number grows daily.

We have always been conscious of avoiding spreading sickness between the animals and looking for new and better ways to protect the animals in our care. Now I find myself reevaluating on a daily basis how we can better protect our staff, customers and volunteers, not just now, but into our post-COVID-19 future.

How about your personal life?

As a single person who lives alone with my dog and kitten, I have found that COVID-19 has actually made me better at connecting. After just the first two weeks of quarantine I knew I need to make more effort to connect with people. I have weekly Zoom meet-ups with friends, family and work colleagues around the state and country. I actually talk on the phone, not just text, more than I have in years. It has meant a lot to me to strengthen these connections and I hope some of this new normal continues long after we venture out of quarantine.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

I have refocused my attention on my physical health, finally utilizing my home workout equipment that usually just collects dust. Roxie, my dog, and I take daily walks to get some sun (on the good days) and fresh air. Professionally, I am looking to the future of AWL and how we use some of what we have learned to make us a better and stronger organization going forward.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

My mom is a transplant recipient and has been quarantined for over 2 months. It has been tough on her to not see her kids and grandkids during this time, not to mention just going a little stir crazy being at home for so long. I just often remind her that while some things may change forever, this is temporary. This short-term inconvenience is worth it for her long-term health and safety. I also continue to promise we will do a big family picnic when this is all over.

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