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Ankle & Foot’s Vallas: Feeling Blessed After COVID Recovery


Ankle & Foot’s Vallas: Feeling Blessed After COVID Recovery

Michael Vallas, practice administrator at NOMS Ankle & Foot Care Centers, is coming back strong after a successful battle against COVID-19. You can read more about the podiatry practice at its website.

What are some ways COVID-19 has affected your organization, and what are you doing to manage its impact?

Obviously, we had to adapt to masking and social distancing requirements. We learned quite a bit about virtual health and tele-visits early on, something that was uncommon for our practice.  We implemented screening protocols for our patients as well as for all of us in the office.     

What has been the response of your patients so far? 

Overall, I would say our patients have adapted well to the COVID protocols, from wearing masks, reducing visitors to the office and waiting in their vehicles to be called in.  I think it is clear these measures are for the common good of all.  

How has COVID affected your personal life, and how have you dealt with it?

Well, I believe the pandemic has put stress on our personal lives.  I went months without hugging my own mom. My grown children were afraid to visit. It was very hard to adapt to the social distancing requirements with those you love. Not too long ago I came down with COVID pneumonia. I spent 12 days in the hospital. This experience taught me gratitude for the care, love and support I received. I realized how blessed I am.

How do you feel about the recently approved COVID vaccines, and what are your plans regarding vaccination?

Personally, I was ambivalent about the COVID vaccines. I’ve never taken a flu vaccine, nor any kind of vaccine in my adult life.  However, when I spoke to my pulmonologist, Dr. Manuel Bautista, and asked him, he simply stated, “What is your plan B if you don’t get the vaccine?” Knowing that there really isn’t a “Plan B” out there kind of put things in perspective for me.

What advice or thoughts are you sharing with those you love? 

Don’t take your health for granted.  Know that there are blessings to be found even in difficult circumstances.  Believe in the power of prayer.

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