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Aim’s Chamberlin: Adjusting Operations, Staying Positive


Aim’s Chamberlin: Adjusting Operations, Staying Positive

Aaron Chamberlin, director of maintenance at Aim Leasing Company, is coming back strong. You can learn more about Aim Transportation Solutions and its leasing business at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

As an essential business and a critical link in the supply chain, we have remained committed to providing the same services to our valued business partners.  We have been forced to adjust our operations on a location by location basis as our customers’ businesses have changed to varying degrees impacting our maintenance workload.  We have implemented several cost reduction initiatives and have been successful in reducing expense.  The rebound has been slow but as our customers start to get back to more normal levels, we stand ready to assist them.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

I have two small children, ages five and three, who do not really understand exactly what has been going on.  My wife and I have done our best to keep it that way.  We have focused on in-home learning to position them to not miss a step when they return to a normal classroom setting.  I am concerned about the mental toll the outbreak is taking on people. I have increased my personal reading and development goals during this time to try to stay sharp.  We were fortunate enough to take a family get away that helped us to reset mentally.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

Working with an essential workforce, you must remain positive and committed to maintaining standards.  We have taken federal and state agencies’ guidelines and implemented them into our daily work lives to ensure our associates/teams remain healthy and feel comfortable coming to work.  Aim has made tough decisions to ensure the long-term health of the organization and I think our associates realize and appreciate that.  We expect our team to remain diligent in following the precautions we have put in place, so we mitigate the risk of setbacks.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Even a global pandemic cannot hold the hard-working American people down.  Our resilience will prove to be as strong as ever and we will bounce back.

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