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Agent Steve Jones: Heeding Wise Advice from Mentor, Mom


Agent Steve Jones: Heeding Wise Advice From Mentor, Mom

Steve Jones, a State Farm Insurance agent in Youngstown and former Mooney High School football player, is hanging tough. You can read more about Steve’s agency at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

We had to make adjustments in how we provide value and service to our customers, obviously following the social distancing orders and maximizing on technology. I have been with this organization for a long time and when times are tough and people need to know you are there, this is when we separate ourselves from the competition. I believe your value is established when you are needed. And sometimes we just need to let our folks know, we will be OK and we will get through this safely, together.

How about your personal life?

Well, I had to find alternatives to staying in shape. I definitely need to monitor eating habits, but for the most part, it is business as unusual, safely. I read more, listen to motivational information online, zoom with old teammates and have a good laugh via social media.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

One of my well-known mentors once told me, “Adversity builds character.” All throughout my life, I have never forgotten that. During difficult times, you find out what you and the people around you are made of, and I am from Youngstown … born and raised. We are tough people, and giving up is not an option. We find a way and, for most part, we look out for each other.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Be accountable to each other, stay safe and in good health, help others safely that are in need, we will get through this together. And as my mother would remind me whenever I would seek her guidance during the tough times in my life, “This too shall pass, my son, this too shall pass… remember who you are and whose you are.” I still hear her to this day. May she continue to rest in peace.

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