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Action Group’s Chretien: Connecting Entrepreneurs with Aid


Action Group’s Chretien: Connecting Entrepreneurs With Aid

Nick Chretien, co-founder and program manager of the Economic Action Group in Youngstown, is coming back strong. You can read more about this nonprofit organization that promotes economic development and entrepreneur assistance at its website.

What are some ways COVID-19 has affected your organization, and what are you doing to manage its impact?

It was not originally anticipated, but the EAG was able to assist in the recovery from COVID-19 by conducting outreach to small businesses to alert them about available aid and resources. In total we reached out to over 2,000 businesses, working with Youngstown, Warren, and Liberty Township, with generous support from the Mahoning Valley COVID-19 Response and Stabilization Fund

What has been the response of your stakeholders so far?

The response has been positive and receptive to this work. On the business side, we were successfully able to inform many small businesses about resources to support continued operation.  They were thankful for this guidance, and it’s looking like there will be a second round of outreach with recently passed federal legislation that provides more assistance for small businesses. The data we tracked throughout the process helped inform local policy decisions and was shared with federal leadership, including U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester and other elected officials (read more in this Business Journal article).

How has COVID affected your personal life, and how have you dealt with it?

I’ve been fortunate that COVID has not had a huge impact on my personal life other than limiting travel and indoor dining. We’ve made the best of this by getting carryout, supporting many of our favorite local restaurants and avoiding travel to places with large crowds or gatherings. I’ve also probably walked through the entire Mill Creek Park a few times over with my dogs this past year.

How do you feel about the recently approved COVID vaccines, and what are your plans regarding vaccination?

It’s extremely encouraging to see the recent approval of multiple vaccines as well as the distribution to front-line workers. I hope the rollout can be expedited, though, to increase access to vulnerable populations and the general public, and I personally look forward to my chance to receive it. 

What advice or thoughts are you sharing with those you love? 

It’s been tough with family, especially with holiday traditions being put on hold this year. But we have made it known that being safe this year will allow us to enjoy future years together. 

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