Dr. Peters: Resetting and Recharging with Old Hobbies

Dr. Dominic J. Peters, orthopaedic surgeon at Salem Regional Medical Center, is hanging tough. You can read more about him at his bio on SRMC’s website.
What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?
During the pandemic, the practice slowed down tremendously as all non-essential surgeries were postponed in order to preserve resources and protect our staff from increased exposure. To help provide care for those orthopaedic patients who still needed help during this time, we launched telemedicine visits, which will continue to be a valuable tool in the future as we serve more patients virtually.
While I was not directly on the frontlines treating COVID patients, I was very involved in the leadership decision-making as the Chair of Surgery at Salem Regional Medical Center, while we repurposed services to care for these patients. Any down time I had was spent focusing on ways to improve our practice nuances—I knew that as we moved through the pandemic, there would still be a significant demand for orthopaedic care. I have also been exploring the latest research and new techniques to stay on the forefront of the evolving orthopaedic specialty.
How about your personal life?
I have had many opportunities to be a leader and provide guidance for both family and friends, who have trouble deciphering what news is actually real news. People depend on all of us physicians for our insight and perspective towards weathering this storm.
Orthopaedics is a very demanding specialty, so for me personally, this downtime has been a nice reset and recharge for the mind and body. Stepping back from the day-to-day routine really makes you appreciate all the gatherings and activities you may have taken for granted in the past.
What steps are you taking to hang tough?
I have used this time to try to catch up on the long forgotten “to-do” list, as well as pursue old hobbies again, such as the guitar, frisbee golf, fishing and mountain biking. Staying physically strong has always been important to me and it has been nice to get into a consistent exercise routine.
What advice are you sharing with the people you love?
I think that many people are looking for balance and reassurance, so I encourage them to stay calm, stay safe, turn off the news and focus on their health and other activities.
Anything else to add?
As we start to ramp back up and safely resume caring for patients, I can see that the demand for orthopaedic services remains very strong and will only increase. I am looking forward to helping my patients regain their quality of life and getting back to their new normal.