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Mercy Health’s Jonathon Fauvie: Enjoying Time Off the Road


Mercy Health’s Jonathon Fauvie: Enjoying Time Off The Road

Jonathon Fauvie, Mercy Health Great Lakes Group public relations and communications manager, who resides in Youngstown, is hanging tough. You can read more about him at his LinkedIn profile.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

COVID-19 has impacted each one of us, personally, professionally and spiritually. Health care public relations has always been focused on informing and educating people on the latest trends in medical care and breakthroughs in treatments and therapies, as well as sharing stories of recovery. Today and every day, that remains the focus.

Working with a disease in which little was known has meant information may not have been shared as quickly as news cycles occurred, but was socialized based on accuracy and scientific relevance. Communication must always be rooted in relevance, transparency and precision. As each day, nearly each hour brought updates, new information and new science, the agility in which messaging was written and shared was something I had not quite experienced before, nor had my counterparts across the health care and public health industries.

As of today, my work remains centered in education, but now, we’re sharing the stories of so many who have recovered and beat this invisible enemy, as well as sharing how their faith, their families and our care teams are now forever parts of their life journeys. Nothing compares to being able to share those type of moments and memories in a way that others at home become more hopeful.

How about your personal life?

As I continue to responsibly social distance to protect myself and others, life has significantly changed – in many ways for the better. Normal pre-COVID work weeks meant many miles and hours on the road, traveling between the markets and facilities I serve. There was little time spent just enjoying my home, the awesomeness of my neighborhood and my pup (who may be ready for Dad to get back on the road soon).

Being someone who loves people, it’s been quite difficult not to surround myself with those I love; however, living in a world in which connecting virtually is easier than ever helps mitigate any feeling of isolation. Although FaceTime may not carry the same power of physical presence, spending time with others virtually has become a new norm and I find myself connecting with those who live out of town more than I did pre-pandemic.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

I may not have been good at self-care before, but with longer hours and more time at home, I’m learning how simple things such as walking down the street, sitting on the front porch and reconnecting with the joys of homemade meals have helped to re-energize me in many ways. These are things I will now fold into the post-pandemic world. Additionally, music and food have always been the way to my soul, so finding new jams and digging out Nonna’s old recipes have helped enhance the act of self-care.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

This is merely a moment in time. We will get through this and be better for it as individuals, as families, as friends and as a society.

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