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Ray Housteau: ‘Be Calm, Be Smart, Be Creative …’


Ray Housteau: ‘Be Calm, Be Smart, Be Creative …’

Boardman financial advisor Ray Housteau is hanging tough. You can read more about Ray at his LinkedIn profile.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

People make a decision to entrust their life savings to me. Of this I am very appreciative.  It’s a trust that I take seriously, and that I feel a constant need to justify.  There are no more important times than these in which to accomplish this. 

The most important aspect of my job is to make sure that in times like this, my clients don’t compound the effects of a bad market, by making a bad move.  Therefore, I make sure that I am there for them…. to answer their questions and address their concerns… to make sure they don’t act out of panic… and to hold their hand through the crisis.  It’s a time to reiterate and strengthen the purpose of our relationship.  It has led to some very long days recently. 

I’ve been through more crises in my long career than I care to count.  None of them turned out to be the end of the world.

How about your personal life? 

I get a unique chance to hunker down and bond somewhat with my kids and my pets.  There is something very comforting about being under the same roof with those you care about in times like this.  I remember feeling that way during the period following September 11. 

I also am making more of an effort to make sure my elderly Mother isn’t forced to go out for anything, and to check on her more often.  

In terms of my daily routine, ordinarily I live a very healthy and active lifestyle – part of which involves going to the gym just about every day.  I am a gym rat but these days I am finding creative ways to get a home workout.

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

Honestly, I am not panicking.  I am by nature a creature of habit, so I guess I am doing the same kinds of things – just maybe finding a different way to do them.  I’m tackling some home projects that I haven’t had time to get to.  I think when you fall out of a routine, it’s good to keep your mind occupied, so I am finding time to read more, which I love to do.  I’m actually trying to learn more about this virus.  Also, I am doing things like organizing cupboards, etc.

I did try to get whatever groceries I needed to cover a week or so.  I didn’t rush out and fight over things.  I didn’t buy any more than I usually buy.  I chose not to go during the most crowded hours.  Although I have concern, I really have minimal anxiety over this situation.  I’m not a person that panics easily.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

There is no point in stressing over something you can’t control.  Be calm… be smart… be creative… and reach out to me if needed.

Anything you’d like to add? 

Just a comment.  I think (and hope) this will resolve itself in a matter of months, not years.

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