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Dr. Sal Sanders: Cycling, Running, Staying Connected


Dr. Sal Sanders: Cycling, Running, Staying Connected

Dr. Sal Sanders, dean of the Youngstown State University College of Graduate Studies, is hanging tough. You can read more about the graduate college at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

Our response to the Coronavirus pandemic has changed where I work and some processes related to how work is done, but it has had far less impact on the key aspects of services provided and the learning opportunities offered. The College of Graduate Studies still provides the same service and support to students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders. We are just doing it from multiple new locations. This new way of interacting has us leveraging technologies to facilitate communication and to conduct business.

Two changes I will mention are communication related. My e-mail inbox has never been more active and I am becoming quite accomplished at video conferencing. One of the key things I remain mindful of is that there are people associated with each message and request.

Lastly, it is exciting to see how well our faculty, students and staff have done with transitioning to a remote learning environment in so little time. They are the best.

How about your personal life? 

I continue to stay connected with and share important experiences with family and friends. Sometimes we meet outdoors and at other times we connect through video conferencing, text messaging, phone conversations, etc. It is so important to continue sharing and enjoying life with others.

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

I am investing in wellness by getting regular exercise — mostly running and cycling. Hopefully, I will be adding some kayaking soon once the weather warms up. At some point, I hope to be able to attend spinning classes again at the Andrews Student Recreation & Wellness Center. 

What are you sharing with the people you love? 

That I care and love them.

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