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Anthony Fuller: Using Time to Grow as a Pharmacist, Coach


Anthony Fuller: Using Time To Grow As A Pharmacist, Coach

Anthony Fuller, a pharmacist for Hometown Pharmacy in Struthers and a coach for Leetonia High School, is hanging tough with his girlfriend, Ashley. You can read more about Anthony and Hometown Pharmacy at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

As a pharmacist, my job has always been to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information for my patients and that has become even more important during the pandemic.  There is so much misleading information out there and people can become very confused very quickly.  So, in that aspect, my work life has not changed, just answering even more questions than I normally would. 

As a coach, that job has changed quite a bit.  Baseball season was canceled, and I was really looking forward to coaching baseball again for the first time in 10 years.  During the offseason for football, I would normally be down at the school and in the weight room with the kids on the days off from the pharmacy, but of course that is not happening now, so I’ve been staying in touch with the kids via text, just checking in on them and seeing how life is.  

How about your personal life?

I have two young nieces who I miss like crazy!  Not being able to spend time with them has been especially tough.  I feel like I am missing out on them growing up, even if it’s only been about six weeks.  It has just really impacted the amount of face-to-face time I have with my family. We normally always visit each other a lot, but now we’re all staying in touch via text and phone calls the best we can.  My girlfriend and I live together, so we have been spending a lot of time together with our dog and cats.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

Luckily, I get to go to work every day, so that part has been easy for me.  Missing sports and family time has been the toughest part so far.  I’ve used the time to try and become a better football coach, by watching a lot of film and virtual clinics, and also to become a better pharmacist, by spending time doing online education and reading a lot more than I have in the past.  Doing this has allowed me to feel like I am accomplishing something even during this lockdown period. We have spent a lot of time out in nature — our dog especially loves it. It’s very relaxing and keeps us active.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Just follow the steps the healthcare experts have outlined for us.  I believe Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton have done a great job steering the state of Ohio in the right direction to make it through this pandemic.  And keep yourself busy as best you can. All the stuff you have put off wanting to try over the years, DO IT!!  

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