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Mega Barre’s Zavadil, Fleming: Focusing on Health, Family


Mega Barre’s Zavadil, Fleming: Focusing On Health, Family

Erica Fleming and Laura Zavadil, co-owners of Mega Barre Youngstown, are hanging tough. You can read more about Erica and Laura at the fitness boutique’s website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

Laura: Being a small group fitness studio, it has completely changed how we operate. And literally overnight! We voluntarily closed two days before the government mandated any fitness closures, and were up and running with our live streaming classes and on-demand platform within 24 hours after we decided to close. We had to pivot quickly to deliver our clients a reason to stay moving with us even while they are at home — and to ensure they have a place to come back to when we can reopen. We are doing a lot more personal client outreach and using social media to keep our clients engaged, moving and providing them an outlet for not only their physical movement, but mental break as well. Our mind-body connection and health need to be top priorities right now, and we want and need to be there for our clients!

Erica: It has changed my life in a major way! Laura and I had been operating a fairly busy boutique fitness studio, teaching multiple classes a day, taking care of staff and managing our space and making efforts to grow our studio this upcoming year. Most of this was changed abruptly. I think I speak for the both of us when I say we cannot wait to get back on track! The decision to close was no doubt a necessary one, but I look forward to returning to our crazy (but fun) daily hustle!

How about your personal life?

Laura: It has been a struggle to keep my sanity while running a business, and now also homeschooling three kids under 8. The days have been long, as I’m sure most working parents can relate as well. My husband and I have been working together to have a schedule that works for all of us, although not always fun, but it’s working! We are taking each day as it comes and trying not to stress out too much.

Erica: Being a mom of three and now homeschooling has a whole new set of challenges, but we’ve done a good job here at staying on top. With the little struggles come some big strengths! We’ve taken this time as a family to get back to some really important family activities! Pre-covid we were quite busy.  We were lucky to maybe have one dinner together weekly – crazy, I know. The bright side of this has been having more time for dinner together (lunch and breakfast, too, lol), game nights, puzzles, many family DIY projects and we have truly just been enjoying one another’s company! My oldest is 16, so I realize that I probably won’t ever get this time with her again!

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

Laura: I’m personally scheduling my workouts just like I ask the clients to do! It gives me something to look forward to and I’m always so happy to get a little sweaty! I’m also taking this time to work out with my mentors from all over the world who are offering online/streaming classes, too! It keeps me motivated as a fitness instructor and business owner to learn from what I see other businesses doing, too. I’m trying to cook more healthy foods and get outside as much as this weather allows.

Erica: Business-wise, we have a whole virtual studio. Although it will never replace the feeling of being in studio with people that love, encourage and support your fitness and health goals, it has given our clients a way to stay connected and support one another and us.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Laura: Take one day at a time and don’t give up on yourself just yet. The only thing we can control is what we put in our body and how we treat it. And now is the time to take extra special care to evaluate just what can be done better to ensure our own health, wellness and immune system.  I am also a registered dietitian, so I’m taking this time to learn more about how I can help my clients with food safety tips as it relates to Covid-19 and sharing healthy recipes, tips, etc. 

Erica: To try and take this time as a gift and truly make the best of it. Like I mentioned before, we all (for the most part) live quite busy lives and this is forcing us to slow down and tune in. Build that fort, play the game, read the book, have dinners together (and lunch and breakfast), have movie night, take bike rides and go for hikes. Chances are we won’t ever get this opportunity to just slow down and enjoy!

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