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East’s Batchelor: Directing Spotlight, Honor to Class of 2020


East’s Batchelor: Directing Spotlight, Honor To Class Of 2020

Jeremy Batchelor, principal at East High School in Youngstown, is hanging tough, along with his son, Isaiah, a senior at Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, and his dog, Chewbacca. You can read more about the school at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

Well, since the state mandated closure of our schools, my normal for basically the past 20 years has been not so normal. Not being in school working with young people and dedicated staff face to face is very different. We are finding ways to utilize our 21st-century tools to stay connected with our students for enrichment and encouragement. The staff has been great in staying engaged and available to support our students and school community any way they can.

How about your personal life?

On a personal level, I haven’t been able to spend as much time in close contact with my parents and other family, but I am sheltered in place with my wife and three children and that is a blessing. My own son, Isaiah, is a senior this year.  This has been tough for him and us as parents.  We have been trying to focus on the positive things that he has experienced in his life and opportunities he has had through his school career, and we’re focusing on preparing for college and career.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

I am spending time daily in reflection on this past year and planning for the future as much as possible. The Class of 2020 remains in my daily thoughts. Along with our staff, we are trying to find any way we can to honor these students through multiple student spotlights and highlights using our social media platforms and also personally reaching out to them as much as we can. To stay focused, I have tried to ensure we as a family are reading daily, eating healthy and getting some form of exercise. I have challenged my students to learn a new skill or commit to something that will improve their lives during this time. I am trying to do the same thing personally and with my family.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Love each other. Cherish every moment and be grateful. I believe I heard YSU President Tressel speak at an event or in one of his writings where he said, “It is impossible to be grateful and unhappy” at the same time. I have always remembered that. These are tough times, but I am grateful for family and for a foundation that is built on faith, grit and determination.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

We just encourage everyone to remember that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond. This pandemic is tough and we can’t predict the future, but we are keeping a positive mindset through it, knowing that we will come out on the other side stronger as families, schools, communities, cities and states.

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