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Rev. Juan Rivera: Opportunity for Victory in the Valley


Rev. Juan Rivera: Opportunity For Victory In The Valley

Rev. Juan Rivera, lead pastor at Victory Christian Center in Coitsville, is hanging tough. You can read more about Victory at its website.

What’s the right mindset for dealing with this COVID-19 situation?

A lot has changed since last time we gathered together as a community and they continue to change day by day and hour by hour.  But here’s some things that haven’t changed: God is still God and we’re still His people.  Throughout the history of the world the church of Jesus Christ — not a building, but you and I, His people — we’ve shined the brightest in History’s darkest valleys. 

We all started the year on the mountain top and hills of faith, hope, optimism and resolution.  Now we all find ourselves in a valley of uncertainty, unknown, confusion and, for many worldwide, a valley of fear.  Yet, the scriptures are replete with stories of some of the greatest victories that people experienced beginning in a valley. 

I thought of David and how it was in the Valley of Elah that he was confronted with a giant called Goliath, a notorious killer.  I wonder if that’s why he wrote in Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because you God are with me.”  When others saw an obstacle in the valley that day, David saw an opportunity. 

What are some ways to capitalize on opportunity during challenging times?  

I believe that we have an opportunity in this moment in history to be light in the darkness and to experience victory in the valley.  Here’s how. First of all, pray.  Not as a last resort but as a first response.  When we pray, we build a firewall against some things but we also stand in the gap for some things.  Pray for your nation, pray for your leaders, pray for healthcare workers, pray for your church, pray for your families, pray for your community and your neighborhood.  Some can go on a prayer walk and pray a firewall of protection around your neighborhood. 

Secondly, embrace sacrifice over selfishness.  Find out who are the most vulnerable in your neighborhood and serve them.  Maybe they’re a single parent, maybe they’re an eldery person, maybe they are children whose mom and dad have to go to work.  There are so many things that we can do to find a need and then fill that need. 

When we do this, we bring Glory to God and we bring Victory in the Valley. 

My family and I have been spending a lot of time eating together, playing together, and praying together.  We love the Mahoning Valley that we get to be a part of.  We believe that together we will experience Victory in the Valley. 

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