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Aim’s Fleming: ‘It’s Grit & Grind Now, But We’ll Get Through’


Aim’s Fleming: ‘It’s Grit & Grind Now, But We’ll Get Through’

Scott Fleming, co-president at Aim Transportation Solutions, is hanging tough. You can read more about Scott at the Aim website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

When the coronavirus started spreading, we were working on separating people in our offices, then when Gov. DeWine announced the distancing measures, we escalated that and had to adapt faster and overcome some adversity. When I look around at individuals in our company, I see people who know they have to overcome. Our daily routines changed, but we’re adjusting to the upheaval. I’m in the office every day now, and about 80 percent of our office employees are remote. Our technicians are still in the shops, as our maintenance services are operational to the extent our customers are operational. Same with drivers on the road.

How about your personal life?

That’s been a bigger change. The schedule is full from the moment I get up to the moment I hit the rack. With three teenagers, there’ve been great opportunities to interact. The communication around the dinner table has really blossomed to understanding each other better, treating each other differently, loving each other differently. We recently started working on a 1,000-piece puzzle together.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

I’m a marine and I’ve been in the thick of things before. The talk about this like being in a war is very accurate because there are huge challenges and there are unknowns, much like in a war. I’m an optimistic person by nature, and I know we are going to get through this. There’s a knowingness and a good feeling that this will be temporary. There are going to be some hard times but we will get through it. This is not something Aim is going to back down from. We’re going to forge ahead.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

I’m fortunate that I’m still currently employed, but I think often of those who are suffering. I’ve told people I know that, when things are difficult, ask for help. There are people who will be there to help.

It’s also important to take one step at a time. You can’t blame anyone, because there’s no trailblazer who has been through this. Peer through the bushes carefully, and take the next step. Beyond the trees and bushes, there’s life on the other side. It’s grit and grind right now, no matter where you are. Eventually we’re going to come out of this and start moving in bigger steps.

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