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Shelley Taylor: Good Time to Help Each Other, Shop Local


Shelley Taylor: Good Time To Help Each Other, Shop Local

Page & Byrnes Insurance President Shelley Taylor is hanging tough. You can read more about the insurance agency at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I am working at home most days and so is most of our team. I am set up in what I thought would be a part-time office, and it has become a full-time space.  When the stay-at-home order came, we were able to easily transition home.  All of our team packed up their workstations, took them home and plugged in and lost about an hour of time.  We did not expect this, but our systems were ready for this.  I am really proud of that.  Our IT company has been amazing and helped us put our last puzzle piece in place to get a web-based phone system. 

I am mixing the work day with work, home schooling, cat management, cafeteria duty, etc.  I do find myself working later in the evening and before bed. 

I have great co-workers.  They are taking care of people – like always.  I could not ask to work with any better people. 

How about your personal life?

I have younger kids (5,7,8) and we seemed to always be in a rush.  It is nice to see them be able to enjoy the outdoors during the day.  They might be ready for the roller derby once they perfect their skating in these warmer days.  They are getting dirty in the yard and stronger on the jungle gym. 

It is hard to see them miss their connections with their friends.  They have a brother and sister in Kentucky who have been wonderful.  My stepdaughter will Facetime and help with homework.  Our contact circle is small – me and the girls, their dad, my brother/sister in law, sister and brother in law.  Everyone has been wonderful and willing to help in any way they can. 

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

  • Trying to give everyone grace.  This is so hard.
  • I have been writing notes to people and mailing them! There’ve been five or six a week, but I am enjoying it and I hope they are, too.
  • Utilizing FaceTime to get help with the kids’ homework.  They are getting on the line with friends and family.  It has been life-saving to me.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

  • This is the time we need to help each other.  Our circle is small right now and if we don’t help each other now, when will we?
  • Shop local – help your friends. 
  • The world has just changed – what will it need from you as we come out of this?  What is your bright idea?  How can you innovate?  How can you help?

Anything else?

I have never been prouder to be from Ohio. 

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