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Mayor Arno Hill: ‘We Will Come Through This Stronger’


Mayor Arno Hill: ‘We Will Come Through This Stronger’

Lordstown Mayor Arno A. Hill is hanging tough. You can read more about Lordstown at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I make fewer trips to Lordstown Village Hall as we have closed offices to the general public. Phones are still answered but we have minimal staffing to ensure “social distancing” for employees’ and residents’ safety. All village meetings are now on an “as needed” basis. With all the business activity in Lordstown, I am on the phone addressing issues and concerns every day. I am so appreciative of conference calling capabilities.  

How about your personal life?  

At home, my wife and I may go out to pick up takeout to support local businesses and we keep in contact with family using social media and apps.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?  

We now read much more and once the pandemic is over all our little projects should be finished. We are walking more also.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

The Marco Polo app on our phones has kept our family in touch, perhaps even more than before. Entertaining personalities come out and we enjoy the interaction. We are blessed with a great family.  We are hoping and praying for a quick and positive resolve for these issues. Stay safe. Stay positive. We will come through this stronger. 

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