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Coach Paul Hulea: Supporting Players, Staying Positive


Coach Paul Hulea: Supporting Players, Staying Positive

Paul Hulea, head football coach at Leetonia High School, and his dog, Harvey, are hanging tough. You can read more about the Leetonia football program at its website

What are some ways that the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

I am a retired teacher, but continue to be a head football coach at Leetonia High School. Obviously, the largest change is the distance separation from my players. I am used to seeing them in the hallways, at school functions and in the weight room on a regular basis. Now our main form of communication is via texting. Even though I don’t see them, I still have a daily concern for their academics, physical conditioning and their emotional state during these tough times. The biggest key for our Leetonia Football program is continue to be positive about the future. My job right now is to answer their questions, be supportive, and quell their concerns about these unprecedented times.

How about your personal life?

I find myself at home a lot with my wife and dog. Our life is simpler and quieter without being around our family and friends, but a little bit lonelier too. I have washed my hands more than I ever have. As soon as I return from being out, my wife makes me put on clean clothes. So I guess I’m living a cleaner, quieter, lonelier life. 

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

Social media has made it possible to stay in close contact with the people I care about. My honey-to-do list also keeps me very busy. Experience has taught me not to panic. I know we will get through this.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

This too shall pass. Keep your distance, wash your hands, be kind to others, and follow the rules. Always remember, tough times don’t last, tough people do.

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