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Rev. Rafael Cruz: Facebook Live Sermons, Slower Pace


Rev. Rafael Cruz: Facebook Live Sermons, Slower Pace

Rev. Rafael Cruz, pastor at United Baptist Church in Boardman, is hanging tough, along with his wife, Bea. You can read more about Pastor Cruz at his Facebook page.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

My meetings are done by conference call now. I communicate with members by texting or phone calls. No lunch meetings. Still renovating the church. Sermons are done through Facebook Live. Not allowed to make hospital or nursing home visits.

How about your personal life? 

Spending much more time at home. Catching up on recorded movies and shows. Eating more home-cooked meals. Spending more time communicating with each other.

What steps are you taking to hang tough? 

Bought plenty of groceries and medication. About to start straightening out my office in the basement. Praying even more than usual. This has slowed things down around me and actually given me a chance to get refreshed.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

Trust that Jesus is still Lord, still in charge and still faithful. But continue to be wise in your choices. Call for help if needed. Take this time to focus on God and family.

What is your main focus during this time?

Seeking God’s direction for my family and our church.

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