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Rev. Cornell Jordan: ‘We Will Get Through This Together’


Rev. Cornell Jordan: ‘We Will Get Through This Together’

Rev. Cornell Jordan, pastor at Metro Assembly of God Church in Youngstown, is hanging tough. You can read more about Metro Assembly and him at the church’s website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has changed your work life?

Wow! It has changed things in so many ways. I work from home more, miss my people (congregation) and obviously can’t be as hands on as I desire.

How about your personal life? 

Well I’m a natural people person. So the energy that I naturally get from being around and with people simply isn’t there. Therefore, I’ve had to get creative by developing new ways to connect with others.

What steps are you taking to hang tough?

1. I’m staying positive through all of this. 

2. Deepening my times of prayer and being in the Word helps a ton.

3. I’m purposely and strategically reaching out to family members and friends, just to connect and see how they’re doing. This is incredibly energizing!

4. Using social media more to stay connected.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

I’m a Christian, so I make it a point to remind those I love that the Lord is with us and aware of all that is taking place. That He alone will have the final word in all this and that we will get through this together.

What are you ready to get back to?

For me, I can’t wait to get back to worshipping with the Lord’s people. Passionate worship, prayer, testimonies and changed lives are life medicine to me. For real!

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