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Rayen’s Jones: Bringing Perspective, Faith-Filled Words


Rayen’s Jones: Bringing Perspective, Faith-Filled Words

Monica Jones, principal at Youngstown Rayen Early College High School, is coming back strong. You can read more about Rayen at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization and how it is rebounding?

The start of the pandemic began with school closures across the state of Ohio. Our entire school district had to transition quickly to remote learning without a guidebook. I likened our experience to building a plane while flying. This caused my entire staff to be faced with extending and at times blowing down borders of our comfort zones in many areas in order to accommodate the needs of our scholars, families and staff. As we were adapting to our new normal, my administration and building leadership team sprung into action to create a flexible structure and schedule in the event remote learning continued in the Fall of 2020. Hence, we implemented and created additions that include the following:

  • Three-day live instruction schedule embedded with a two-day intervention and academic coaching support system for scholars.
  • Instructional protocols and communication for full-time remote learning.
  • Weekly check-ins with scholars, families and staff.
  • Virtual safe spaces where scholars and staff routinely check in, share concerns and verbalize needs.
  • Frequent surveys to keep a pulse on wellness care for all stakeholders.
  •  In-building support to our most vulnerable scholars during remote learning two to three days per week, following social distancing guidelines.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

In early March, my mother was diagnosed with COVID-19 which caused her to have a five-day hospital stay. Upon discharge, my family and I were responsible for her care and recovery. As a family, despite this event, we have been tremendously blessed during this pandemic.  This time has caused me to slow down and take purposeful breaths for my own wellness and to spend more quality time with my family. This time has also allowed me to unwrap the gift called perspective. I had to choose to be in charge of my own narrative. I choose to speak faith-filled words instead of fear-filled words. I am accountable to choose my words and actions economically because they will produce life or death. I intentionally choose life.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

We are becoming more adaptable and creative in the delivery of high-quality instruction, support, care, connection and communication with our scholars, families and staff at  Youngstown Rayen Early College. As a staff, we continuously monitor the structures we have implemented to acclimate for virtual learning. We’re also making adjustments permanently in order to position our school community to remain relevant and prepared to navigate any future challenges.

Lastly, we are renewing our minds to cultivate a growth mindset. I would like to quote one of my favorite educational blogs, Teach, Train, Love:  “Just maybe we are prepared for this at least much more than we realize. Maybe we are exactly the person our families, scholars, colleagues and schools need to guide them through a time that will be etched in their minds forever.”

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

Be well, be safe, be blessed! Communicate, connect, care. Each and every day, we are faced with a choice;  grow, complain or remain the same. So choose not to worry!

Enjoy all you’ve got while it’s here and now! Stay focused! Keep evolving! Follow your heart! Rise above drama and negativity! Love more! Stress less, all while being safe!

How has the school’s staff responded to the challenges brought on by the pandemic?

I continue to be inspired by my school staff and the district’s tenacity and commitment to do what is best for scholars. As a professional family, we have courageously faced a myriad of challenges and yet have remained positive and hopeful.  Despite these challenges that are a part of having to deal with distance learning, we continue to carry out our mission to care and educate our scholars in the YREC tradition. We are G.R.E.A.T.E.R. because WE C.A.R.E.!

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