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2Deep’s Vidale: Shifting to Virtual Entertainment Events


2Deep’s Vidale: Shifting To Virtual Entertainment Events

Terrill Vidale, president of 2Deep Entertainment, based in Canfield, is coming back strong. You can read more about 2Deep at its website.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding?

2Deep Entertainment was grossly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak because our entire business model was surrounding major gatherings. Since we couldn’t put more than 10 people in a room, we knew it would be difficult for us. In business, 10 percent is what happens and 90 percent is how you react to it. We started a whole new division in our company called “2DE Digital” and now we’re focused on doing events virtually. Covid-19 created an opportunity for us to grow in a totally new area.

How has the outbreak affected your personal life?

The outbreak affected my personal life in a positive way. I was able to spend some much-needed quality time with my wife. During the shutdown we were able to enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner together. I believe you have to find the positive in everything.

What steps are you taking to come back strong?

You must position yourself for the comeback. I’m focused on looking for opportunities that will position myself for the best possible outcome.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

You must be prepared for times like we’re in now. Take this as a lesson so in the future you can be properly equipped for the storm. Focus on the things you can control. Start planning now for the next three to six months and the next six months to a year.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Make a plan and start to execute your plan.

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