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Penguin City’s Lyras-Bernacki: Appreciating Local Support


Penguin City’s Lyras-Bernacki: Appreciating Local Support

Aspasia Lyras-Bernacki, co-owner of Penguin City Brewing Company, is coming back strong, along with her husband and co-owner, Richard. To learn more, visit Penguin City’s website.

What are some ways your business is rebounding from the effects of COVID-19?

When the lockdown happened, it was instant that we lost 60 to 70 percent of our sales with the bars and restaurants closing. So, we had to quickly get on the ball and focus on our off-premise accounts (grocery stores, party shops and drive-thrus).

When we reflect on the past two years we’ve been in business, we are in awe at what we have accomplished. We hit 400 locations in two years of self-distributing.  I am proud of our Penguin team for working as hard as they do. We stick to our mission and never stray. We wanted to create Youngstown’s beer, one that inspires the prideful spirit of our people, to create jobs, and to help be a part of the revitalization of our valley. And that’s what we’re continuing to do through this pandemic. As we say, “Tough times don’t last. Tough cities do!”

What’s been the reaction from customers so far?

The local support has been strong and we have been greatly appreciative of it. I have teared up many times with pictures being shared and kind messages from the great people of our valley. It helped us get through some really tough times. 

What impact has the outbreak had on you personally?

I’m really seeing how a lot of businesses need each other to thrive. When everything is up and running, you don’t really notice it. Once the lockdown hit, you really saw it. So now, more than ever, we need to help and support these businesses. Buying a pizza, checking in to see how they are doing, sharing a picture on social media … it all helps! We have to remember, we are all in this together, and we all have our struggles. We need to be more compassionate and understanding with each other.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love?

I have learned that it is OK to take a step back and take a breath. Since we started the company, I have been non-stop running and a lot of times, I’ve been very overwhelmed. It is so important to stop for a minute and regroup.    

How does your branding reflect Youngstown?

The green in our label represents the mill worker’s jacket, the gold and yellow represent YSU’s original colors when they were Youngstown College, and the schooner is an homage to the Golden Dawn’s famous $1 Genesee drafts.

We are proud to carry part of Youngstown’s history and we look forward to continuing to be a part of its future.

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