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‘Mr. Sports’ Batcho: Fired Up About New Talk Show


‘Mr. Sports’ Batcho: Fired Up About New Talk Show

John Batcho, a sports talk veteran known by many across the Mahoning Valley as “Mr. Sports,” is coming back strong. You can read about John at his new show’s Facebook page.

What are some ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your organization, and how is it rebounding? 

It has been challenging. I left Greenwood Chevrolet to pursue media again recently. However, the COVID-19 quarantine happened around the same time and it has been a major adjustment and an internal struggle because I’m so used to being busy. It gets lonely sometimes, I’ll admit. Not as much fun as you’d think.

What impact has the outbreak had on your personal life? 

This has affected everyone in some capacity. In my professional life, I had to stop working at Greenwood Chevrolet due to the quarantine in mid-March. Our new show had to be delayed months for the same reason. My partner and I sit close by one another on the set, so that couldn’t happen. Personally, I’m out a lot with my girlfriend and we enjoy dining and watching bands perform in the area; that was brought to a standstill as well. It was a major adjustment to our lifestyle as a result. 

What steps are you taking to come back strong? 

A new media show — Altered States: With Mr. Sports & Ron Fantone — is my current focus. It features Ron and me, two media veterans with more than 30 years of experience. The half-hour show will be based on music, sports, guests and life, and we’ll post it every weekend on YouTube and Facebook. We are still tweaking and making adjustments. 

I’m again building from the ground up; however, because of my past resume, it’s not as bad for me. I believe people know of what I do and am capable of by now.

What advice are you sharing with the people you love? 

Stay safe and be careful. I have five wonderful kids and now two grandchildren. I worry about them. It’s painful but true — during the quarantine I wouldn’t go near my grandkids because if anything would happen to those little girls because of me I’d never forgive myself.

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